Online Activity Instructions

English 0099 is a 4-credit-hour course, yet we only meet in person inside the classroom for three hours a week. The fourth hour each week is taken up by lab activities that you will do on your own. The hour of online work every week should not be considered homework--it will FEEL like homework because you are working individually, on your own schedule. But you have to force yourself to remember that this fourth hour every week is built into the 4 credit hours that you are earning in English 0099.

Now, if mastery points for a certain week end up taking you over an hour to complete, then you can consider the extra time "homework time." If you want to leave this online work to do until the end of week, you may, but please remember to pace yourself. And sometimes, working ahead can be beneficial. If you finish the Personalized Learning Plan by midpoint, for instance, you will be able to focus more on bigger assignments.

Online Activities will count for 25% of your grade. I will keep track of your work on Connect Writing 2.0, looking at your completion and your performance.